Living the Fantasy

I’m going to post here a list. This is a list of all the characters from books, movies and TV shows that I am obsessed with. Some of theme are slightly embarrassing, and maybe some of them I should have gotten over by now. But this is what a blog is for, writing down your thoughts and embarrassing yourself for loads of strangers reading, because they don’t know who you are. Unless the only people who read your blog are your friends, in that case you have to be very careful whose names you mention and how much private stranger-worthy information you give.

Character Crush list:

  1. Mr Thornton from North and South
  2. Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
  3. Harry Kennedy from the Vicar of Dibley: Wholly Happy Ending
  4. Gilan from Ranger’s Apprentice
  5. Will from Ranger’s Apprentice
  6. David Rain from the Last Dragon Chronicles
  7. Peter Pevensie from Narnia
  8. Spock from Star Trek: 2009
  9. Troy from High School Musical (don’t you dare laugh)
  10. Simon Tam from Firefly
  11. Pippin from Lord of the Rings
  12. Frodo from Lord of the Rings
  13. Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon
  14. Fred Weasley from Harry Potter
  15. George Weasley from Harry Potter
  16. Fabian from House of Anubis
  17. Augustus Waters from The Fault in Our Stars
  18. Oliver Wood from Harry Potter
  19. Sherlock from BBC Sherlock
  20. Tobias from Divergent
  21. Tristan Thorn from Stardust
  22. Gideon de Villiers from Rubinrot
  23. Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club
  24. Kyoya from Ouran High School Host Club
  25. Teddy from My Invisible Boyfriend
  26. Caelen from The Dragon of Trelian
  27. Levi from Fangirl
  28. Bernard from The Santa Clause
  29. Graham from The Holiday
  30. Adam from If I Stay
  31. Eugene from Tangled
  32. Dmitri from Anastasia

So, there’s the list (so far). Told you it was embarrassing. Showing you this list isn’t the point of this post though. It’s about living in a fantasy world all the time. I broke up with my boyfriend of 1 1/4 years earlier this year, and since then I haven’t had a crush on a real guy. This is pretty weird for me, because before I went out with aforementioned unnamed boyfriend, I like up to three guys at once.

However, I do like the above mentioned 32 characters. Some of theme are past crushes, and some are still in my mind. For instance, Mr Thornton, who I mentioned in an earlier post along with Mr Darcy. Harry Kennedy, who is also played by Richard Armitage (who plays Mr Thornton) is also stuck in my mind. I have forced myself into this world where I love all these made up people, and I’m missing the real world go by. There are real guys who I probably would have crushes on, but don’t because I’m so wrapped up in my fantasy. This is really hard for me, because I just want to meet the right guy. I’m fifteen and I’m worrying about this! Why?! I know that the day will come when I lay eyes on someone and something will just click, but then again, it might not click. It’s not like in the movies where two characters meet each other, and their eyes linger on each other, and as soon as you see that tiny linger, you know that they are a future couple. When two character’s brush hands and there’s a tiny moment where everything is focused on that hand brushing, and the two characters feel something, something magical, because they know that the other person is their true love. When two characters kiss, there are fireworks or roses or sparkly sounds. IT DOESN’T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE! Either that, or aforementioned ex-boyfriend wasn’t the one for me, cause I certainly felt no fireworks.

So how the hell are you supposed to know if someone is right for you? When you meet Mr Right, will you know straight away? Or will you become friends and then one day just wake up and realise that you can’t get him off your mind? Have you already met Mr Right, and you don’t feel anything for him yet? Will you EVER meet Mr Right, or will you live out the rest of your days never knowing? I know I couldn’t cope with that, I would go insane if I never got married. I know some people like it that way, but I wouldn’t, being the hopeless romantic that I am. Anyway, tell me your thoughts in the comments and if you know me in person, don’t judge me for the aforementioned list.

Ser deg senere!


One thought on “Living the Fantasy

  1. My List:

    David Tennant Doctor from Doctor Who
    Ulfric Stormcloak from Skyrim
    Loki from Marvels Thor
    Dean Winchester from Supernatural
    Captain Hook from Once upon a Time


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